Zinzia Psychiatric Care Centre Oranje Nassau’s Oord

Zinzia Psychiatric Care Centre Oranje Nassau’s Oord

Wageningen, Netherlands

Size: 7,800 m2
Status: Completed
Project Design: 2014 - 2015
Project Realisation: 2016 - 2020
Address: Kortenburg 4, 6704 AV Wageningen
Client: Zinzia Zorggroep
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Project description

The psychiatric care centre ‘Orange Nassau’s Oord’ provides independent and shared living spaces for elderly residents with dementia. Originally built in the nineties, the centre no longer adheres to the layout and functionality demands of today. Furthermore, the desires of the residents and their caretakers have changed over the years.

Zinzia selected Mecanoo to develop a new design which offers personal, flexible and specialised care while maintaining the independence and different lifestyles of the residents. The design creates a safe and flexible environment with a harmonious balance between the unique estate grounds, existing buildings and densely forested, rolling landscape. The new building, in the form of a half circle, connects with the existing curved buildings but contains fewer internal obstructions, providing more room for movement and social interaction.

A sense of independence has been established by giving each residence their own front entry. Contrasts in colour, sound, light and smell are combined with a clear layout to help residents to orientate themselves and provide a comfortable setting with optimal space to move around. Communal rooms provide a link between independent and shared living spaces, they also create a sense of community without compromising the need for security.

The architectural form makes supervision by the staff straight forward while creating an efficient and pleasant working environment. The existing qualities of the current Oranje Nassau’s Oord are integrated into the new public spaces and landscape. The existing garden will be transformed into a sensory garden, while a new community square with activity spaces adjoins the existing chapel. The new landscape interventions further help with orientation, while providing both residents and staff attractive views. 

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